Friday, December 9, 2011

Bloggin and Inquiry

I attended another great inquiry workshop at BOCES this week.  My second grade team and I created an inquiry unit for Black History month.  Very excited to get started.  My third grade students are starting their second inquiry unit very soon.  We just completed a desert inquiry unit and now we will start polar regions.  I have been thinking about creating a blog to use with my third graders to use as an assessment piece.  Here is my question?  Is it safe to use a blog provider like with my students? 

I would appreciate any responses.

Happy Reading and Blogging!!


  1. Laurie, have you looked at Edublogs? I think they offer some security features that make it more kid friendly.

  2. Another option might be classblogmeister. I haven't used it extensively, but here's an example:
