Monday, January 2, 2012


My daughter and I created this StoryBird together.  I had such a great time working on this with her.  I shared this tool with my faculty and staff before break.  I am looking forward to using this with my students.  I haven't figured out which class or how I will use this tool but I plan on using it soon. 

Happy Reading and Blogging!!

A Day at the Zoo by LibraryStories0729 on Storybird


  1. Very nice job! One of these days I'll try Storybird with my classes. I love the idea of it!

  2. That's super cool, Laurie! I'll have to try it out with Cat. I'm not sure my HS students would dig it, but my 5year-old will :)

  3. That is adorable. Love that you worked on it with your daughter.
